Thursday, December 13, 2007

Oprah on the Trail

Say what you want about celebrities entering into the political fray, but it’s clear that Oprah was about the only supporter with the gravitas to challenge Bill Clinton for headlines in this campaign. And as it turns out, she was damn good on the stump. While exposing thousands of folks to the Obama message of change and hope, she also spoke of seizing opportunities and not simply "waiting your turn" - "We must respond to the pressures and the fortunes of history when the moment strikes…and I believe that moment is now." And regarding the question of experience - "The amount of time you've spent in Washington means nothing unless you're accountable for the judgments you've made with the time you've had."

Sure, these events were mostly stunts to garner media attention, headlines, and donations, but aren't campaigns little more than a series of stunts? While Oprah's appearances may or may not bring in more money or generate more support for Obama, they bring a new energy to the campaign. I think that is important...and that is something that not even Bill Clinton can provide his candidate at this point.

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